Tuesday, 27 August 2013

An update...

So.. these past few months have been pretty darn busy for me, to say the least. I finished my degree and got my results in early June. After three years of blood, sweat and a whole lotta books, I got, wait for it...


In that moment, boy, was I happy. So happy that I gave my cat, Dee-Dee, the biggest hug possible (after my dad, of course). I think she was pleased for me, although I couldn't really tell because she had that face of a cat which is like: WTF/CBA.  My cat went for the former expression. Actually, thinking about it, I may have cut off her ability to breathe for a few seconds, she wasn't cool with that. Or maybe she was just really confused because she is, after all, an animal.

But yes, anyway, I got what I worked very hard for and it was such a wonderful feeling. I graduated in July and it was a lovely day. Scorching hot, but one that I'll remember despite that because it was such a great celebration of everybody's achievement.

Went to Glasgow for a week's holiday to visit my sister. Really enjoyed myself.

And now? Well, I'm gearing up to start my NCTJ Diploma in Journalism, which I'm looking forward to and which I start next week. Recently, I've been thinking that my blog needs a bit of a shake up, a change of direction, if you will. So, I've decided that while I still want to write about entertainment, I'd also like to blog about my experience on my NCTJ course. This is going to be an intense 18 weeks and who better than to share it with you? I want to give you a taste of what doing one is really like. Also, I hope that I can help people who are thinking about this as a potential path to get into the field, make a decision as to whether it is sutiable for them.  Alternatively, if you are on a course like this (or something similar) you can hopefully be assured by reading my blog that there are other trainee journalists who are going through what you are. I'll be there, to praise, to comfort you, as a shoulder to cry on etc.

Of course, my humour will be here. Healthy doses of that. To make it is more bearable for both you and me. And talk of my disability, will feature when I think it'll be necessary, really. I'll give you my insight into how I'm progressing with my course and how I hope to develop myself as a journalist whilst also taking the whole 'wheelie woman' thing into account.

And the best thing about all of this? It will be weekly. HOORAH.

Oh, and if you have been rather perceptive whilst reading, you'll see that I've added a function that allows you to subscribe to this blog, so that you will get updates. HOORAH x 2.  Don't forget, if you have anything to say about my posts, drop me a comment or even an email!


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